
Showing posts from March, 2013

Mule3 Studio - Step by step instruction to write HelloWorld program in Mule3

Below are step-by-step instructions to write HelloWorld in Mule3 using Mule Studio. Mule Studio is the IDE built on top of Eclipse. So it has all the capabilities of Eclipse. Apart from that it has Mule server integrated within it. So we don't need to download Mule server separately. Prerequisite -  Download Mule Studio from url   Download Mule3 if you want to run it in standalone mule server and not in Mule Studio Instructions Step 1 - Open Mule Studio by clicking on MuleStudio.exe inside Mule Studio folder. By default, it will open Mule perspective in studio. Step 2 - Right click on package explorer window and click on New --> Mule Project  Step 3 - Enter project name as Hello_World as shown in below screenshot. Click on next once done. Step 4 - Mule Studio will automatically put file name as Hello_world.mflow. We can leave it as it is. Click on Fin...

How to set username and password for tomcat 7?

Below are the steps to configure username and password for tomcat7 Step1 - Open <tomcat-installation-directory>/conf/tomcat-users.xml Step2 - Add below lines in the xml file under tomcat-users element. <role rolename="manager-gui"/>  <role rolename="manager-script"/>  <role rolename="manager-jmx"/>  <role rolename="manager-status"/>  <role rolename="admin"/>  <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="admin,manager-gui,manager-script,manager-jmx,manager-status"/> Step3 - Open http://localhost:8080/ in browser and click on Manager App button. It will ask for username and password. Enter admin/admin. You should be able to see the manager page.

Graph databases and Neo4J

Graph databases are the best way to represent and query connected data, irrespective of any size and value. Graph theory itself is not a new concept. Euler gave this theory in the 18th century, and it has been actively improved since then. However, it is only in the last few years that graph theory and graph thinking have been applied to information management. Graph databases have been proven to solve some of the more relevant data management challenges of today, including important problems in the areas of social networking, master data management, recommendations engines, and more. Neo4J is a graph database having below properties. 1. ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated and Durable) properties are supported in Neo4J 2. High Availability – High availability can be ensured by replicating Neo4J master database on several slave databases. 3. Scalability - A graph can scale in size and complexity as the application evolves, with minimal impact on performance. Scaling is suppor...

Ecommerce trends - 2013

Some of the trends that will continue in 2013 are - 1. Omnichannel Journey from Single-channel to Omni-channel Companies were selling their goods through one channel (brick and mortar stores) until 90s when web evolved. At that time, multi-channel came into picture. Under it, customers could buy the product through any of the channels but transactions were separate from each other. It continued till late 90s when some companies started integrating one channel (cross-channel commerce) with other.e.g. you can order a product from website and go to store for pickup. Companies continued the evolution and omni-channel came into picture. Omni-channel is about providing a seamless, single brand experience and it seems to be future trend for retail. Big companies like Macys, Apple have already started following omni-channel practice while other companies like Belk are thinking in that direction. Omni-channel Retailing is an evolution to multi-channel retailing and it p...

Big Data overview?

We hear about Big Data everywhere nowadays. But what exactly is Big Data and why it is important to us? Before going into details of Big Data, let us first talk about data. About 90% of the data in the world today has been created in last two years only. According to Google, every 2 days we create as much information as we did in years up to 2003.There are around 200 millions tweets sent everyday. Facebook is getting around 6 billion messages per day. RDBMS can not handle this much data. That is where Big Data comes into picture. Big Data is about handling 3V(Volume,Velocity,Variety). In 2012, Gartner updated its definition as: "Big data are high volume, high velocity, and/or high variety information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery and process optimization." O’Reilly defines big data as: “Data that exceeds the processing capacity of conventional database systems. The data is too big, moves too fast, or ...