
Showing posts from August, 2013

CQ - Step by Step procedure to create a campaign and publish it in CQ 5.6

Below are the steps to create a campaign and publish it on website. Open campaign management console assuming CQ is running on port 4502 ( http://localhost:4502/mcmadmin#/content/dashboard ) Click on campaign tab. It will show list of all brands and campaigns. Hierarchy should like Brands --> Campaigns --> Teasers. It means first Brand should be created and then campaign and then teaser. Click on Campaigns tab and then click on New to create new Brand. Make sure to select Brand as template and enter any name say myBrand. Once brand is created, click on myBrand appearing on the left hand side. Now click on new button to create a campaign. Make sure Campaign template is selected and enter any name say myCampaign. It will create a campaign by name of myCampaign. Click on myCampaign and properties to enter priority, On/Off time(Campaign activation period),image. Lets assume our requirement is to create multiple teasers for different segments(female and male). So before cre...

CQ - Setting up clustering in CQ 5.6

Pre requisite Copy your cq instance to another directory to have two instances of cq running in order to setup cluster on two instances. One of the instance will work as Master instance and another one will work as slave. Change port number of another instance to 4503 assuming first instance is running on port 4502. Steps to set up clustering in CQ 5.6 Goto <cq slave installation directory>\crx-quickstart\repository directory. Delete file present inside repository directory. Open <cq master installation directory>\crx-quickstart\repository\ and copy the value. Open  <cq slave installation directory>\crx-quickstart\repository\ Put value of clusterid copied from master instance to members key. Let's say "22410d70-250e-494b-b711-6c264d5a57bc" was cluster id of master node, then put this value under members key as shown below.            #Cluster properties ...